










1. 遵守中国的相关法律、法规和学校的规章制度

2. 遵守中国人民的风俗习惯和道德规范;没有未了结的法律纠葛案件;

3. 母语为西班牙语,年龄在60岁以下;





1. 由国际交流与合作处每月底前按时支付当月工资。工资需根据申请人的资历、工作经验再商定。

2. 符合聘用条件且无住房的外教,可由国际交流与合作处为其申请国际交流中心公寓。

3. 外教工作满半年后,每年可报销一次往返探亲机票。机票为外教自行购买,凭发票到国际交流与合作处报销。

4. 外教在依法享受北京市社保的同时,还享受校医院的公费医疗。每年底可凭在校医院看病的收据报销门诊费用。




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3. 护照首页扫描件

4. 相关工作经历证明

5. 个人代表性成果扫描件

6. 本人近照









Talent-wanted for Spanish Language Foreign Teacher

School of International Studies, Communication University of China


School of International Studies, Communication University of China is looking for people who can inspire students, teachers who are forward thinking and colleagues who want to work collaboratively.


1. About School of International Studies

School of International Studies, Communication University of China, is one of the earliest institutes engaging in the teaching and researches of foreign languages and cross-cultural studies. With the enduring efforts made by generations of scholars in the past 70 years, the School has built strong academic traditions and accumulated invaluable historical experiences and thus made itself as a leading and influential teaching and research base in the fields of foreign languages and cross-cultural studies in China. The SIS had its roots in the department of foreign languages founded in 1950s. Over the past 70 years, SIS has established 23 majors in foreign languages, translation and cross-cultural studies. In December 2017, School of International Studies, CUC launched English Taught MA and PhD programs in Cross-cultural studies. Currently, The SIS offers 22 majors for undergraduate students, 5 MA programs, and English taught MA and PhD programs in cross-cultural studies.


2. Job Description

Its a full-time job. Working location is in School of International Studies, Communication University of China. Spanish foreign teachers will be recruited. The teaching time will be 16 weeks per semester, and about 6-8 credit hours per week. Courses which will be taught at undergraduate level are Oral Spanish, writing, etc.


3. Required Qualifications


(1) Abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China and regulations of Communication University of China;


(2) Observe relevant customs and ethics, no criminal record, no violation record of any type of law or regulation;


(3) Native language is Spanish language, the age should be under 60 years old;


(4) Have a master's degree (or above) or the title of associate professor or aboveExperience in teaching language and culture, journalism and communication courses or experience in working with the media is preferred;


(5) Obtain a master's or doctoral degree in the direction of linguistics, literature, translation, journalism, communication, etc.; or possess a national foreign language teaching qualification certificate.



4. Job Benefits


(1) The International Office shall pay the monthly salary on time before the end of each month. The salary shall be agreed upon according to the applicant's qualifications and work experience.


(2) Foreign teachers who meet the employment requirements and have no housing can apply for on-campus accommodation.


(3) After working for half a year, foreign teachers can be reimbursed for a round-trip ticket every year. The tickets are purchased by foreign teachers and reimbursed by the International Office with the invoice.


(4) Foreign teachers enjoy the Beijing social security in accordance with the law, as well as the free medical treatment of the school hospital. At the end of each year, the outpatient expenses can be reimbursed with the receipt of the school hospital.


5. Required Documentation


Applicants should send the following materials to the email address listed below:


(1) Resume (In Chinese, Spanish and English).


(2) Scanned copy of academic credentials and certificates.


(3) Scanned copy of Passport Biographical Page (Bio Page).


(4) Certificates of relevant work experience.


(5) Scanned copy of supporting documents regarding personal achievements.


(6) A recent photo.



6.Application Deadline


From now to May 31


7. Contact Information

Contact person: Profesora Cristina Zhang

Email: cucespanol@126.com
